Was The Night Really Reclaimed? Analysing 2022’s Reclaim the Night through an Intersectional Framework 

The day of the Reclaim the Night protest, I was sat in a Politics lecture listening to my ardently feminist lecturer bitterly talk about the UCU strikes. We were meant to be studying queer Marxist feminism but instead our topic of discussion had quickly turned to the very real politics of UoM’s campus this year.… Continue reading Was The Night Really Reclaimed? Analysing 2022’s Reclaim the Night through an Intersectional Framework 

Feminism in a Toilet Cubicle: Can we still talk about periods?

I’ve always loved reading scribbled messages on toilet doors or desks, but I’ve never expected to provoke one of these graffiti debates myself. But that’s what seems to have happened. Looking at the inside of the cubicle door the other day I saw that someone had written over a poster - a poster I had… Continue reading Feminism in a Toilet Cubicle: Can we still talk about periods?